Obesity: how expanding Waistbands are Weighing us Down

Sharing is caring! zdieľam Tweet zdieľam https://apis.google.com/js/pluson.js By Rosie Percy The majority of adults in America are suffering with their weight. According to the CDC,  35.7% of adults and 17% of children now overweight or obese.  What causes obesity? Obesity is quite simply caused by eating too much and doing too little. If you eat […]

5 ways to secure Your Child’s Tooth Enamel

Sharing is caring! zdieľam Tweet zdieľam Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and is vitally crucial for protecting your child’s teeth from decay. Although durable, it can crack, chip or erode over time, even in children. This is why it’s crucial for parents to actively take steps to secure their child’s […]