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In a pleasant set of statistics, 86% of people accepted that they are more likely to strike up a conversation with strangers if they are smiling. another study revealed that among all the conversations that exist between human beings, 55% are non-verbal (a large majority of this being facial expressions and more specifically the person’s smile). This comes as no surprise, given that a smile has the power to make people feel appreciated, special, respected and recognized.
Unfortunately, poor oral hygiene and yellowing teeth can keep us from putting our best smile forward. Britain had once become internationally renowned for its terrible teeth, with people not caring enough about staining and decay. However, The UK Smile Centre has stated that tooth whitening in Manchester has been gaining popularity, with more and more people opting for not only a more “natural look” but also a healthier appearance of their teeth.
A Smile a Day…
It has been observed that even a consciously fake smile can improve your mood and reduce stress. Our face always reflects our internal emotions. However, that link works both ways. We can actually change our internal emotional state by altering our facial expression or simply smiling. You’ll realize that you actually look better when you smile. A smiling person is viewed as being more attractive, reliable, relaxed and sincere. and if you think the flu is contagious, try smiling at someone and see what happens! The cingulate cortex is a part of the brain that is responsible for the facial expression of smiling when happy or mimicking another’s smile. It is an unconscious automatic response. So, if you’re smiling at someone, it’s likely they can’t help but smile back. If they don’t, they’re making a conscious effort not to. If you too would like to smile without worrying about your teeth, consider easy options like Philips Zoom! Whitening. Or visit Flagstaff emergency Dentist for a professional whitening.
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Science Behind a Smile
Smiling is like throwing a feel-good party in your brain. The neural messaging activated as a result can benefit your health and happiness. Smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that work towards fighting off stress. Neuropeptides are the tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate. Whenever we are happy, sad, angry, depressed or excited, these neuropeptides facilitate messaging to the whole body. When a person smiles, the feel good neurotransmitters dopamine, endomorphins and serotonin are released, and they relax your body and lower the heart rate and blood pressure. The endorphins act as natural pain relievers, and serotonin serves as an anti-depressant and mood lifter.
Work on Your Smile
When someone smiles at you, smile back. It may feel slightly awkward to people who are not in a habit of smiling often. but the more you smile, the easier it gets. Those who are worried about the yellowing on their teeth, invest in Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening for smile-worthy confidence.
When you are with your friends, family or coworkers, be aware of your demeanour. Smile to make others feel welcome, special and appreciated.
Always think positively about yourself and others. with that mind-set, smiling will come more naturally.
Nearly 99.7% of all adults believe a smile is an important social asset. However, if you are not happy with your smile, Philips Zoom! Teeth Whitening may be a good first step.
Link to this post:Why Aren’t You Smiling Today?
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